
Mass effect alliance dreadnought
Mass effect alliance dreadnought

  • Find every single weapon mod tucked away in the game.
  • All side missions completed containing the included DLC.
  • In your hands lies the fate of the entire Milky Way but luckily, this time, you are no longer alone. You are Commander Shepard, the first human spectre and elite soldier of the Alliance, tasked with uniting the galaxy in the fight to stop the Reapers destroying everything you hold dear. The Reapers have at last come to Earth and these warnings can no longer be ignored. A Turian general touring the Kwunu after its maiden system-voyage enthusiastically declared that the ship could "char a planet three times over." While its construction was funded entirely by the Elkoss Combine corporation, the dreadnought was jointly gifted to the Vol Protectorate and Turian Hierarchy upon completion.For years, a lone soldier has told tales of the Reapers, of their return, of these sentient machines reaching out across the vastness of space, to harvest all sentient life. Its broadside cannons and main gun are all Thanix Magnetic-Hydrodynamic Weapons. The Kwunu is the only volus ship of its class, but it is remarkably well-armed.

    mass effect alliance dreadnought

    The Volus have only produced one dreadnought, the Kwunu, named after the diplomat who negotiated their client-race status with the turians. Some War Assets can improve or decrease their Total Military Strength depending on some choices made during the course of the game. War Assets contribute their Total Military Strength, in order to increase the Effective Military Strength, which determines success in the final showdown against the Reapers. War Assets are all the resources and allies gathered by Commander Shepard during the journey to defeat the Reapers.

    mass effect alliance dreadnought

    Volus Dreadnought Kwunu is a Alien War Asset in Mass Effect 3.

    Mass effect alliance dreadnought